Re: Physiotherapy Status In India
I personally believes in physio therapy and I know some very good doctors in India that treats you in such a manner that you need not to worry about your problems and this therapy is one of the best therapy that actually have very good outcomes and people are getting treated well.
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Re: Physiotherapy Status In India
every one
i was reading all previous thread and replys by asha,and some aus
its true that we all should resect our nation but at the same time its true that in india the status of physio compare to other country is very bad.
i am a physio passed out in 2003 from RGUHS.but see what we have to do i have to prove my self again again and still after working this much time we have to be the victim of surgeon,s EGO.they might be knowing about their work but we know our proffession and we need not to learn physiotheray from a neuro or ortho surgeon.but this happens in india might be not in metro and west and south india but just look towrods north india what the shit going on here,
soory to use this type of words but its true that we have to strugle in india
Re: Physiotherapy Status In India
Originally Posted by
Out of interest, how much would it cost to see a private physiotherapist?
I am from Australia and i have a patient from Mumbai who has ased me to come over and run periodic clinics, which would be nice because would love to see India etc but I also want to earn at least what i do here.
I would charge about AUD$80-100/half an hour or AUD$160-200/hour. tells me this is between ~2800INR to 3500INR or USD$120 - 160/hour. Would there be a market for this?
Obviously you would have to take my word that i am good enough to charge this amount of money!! My patient seems to think that it is possible due to the large numbers of millionaires in india (83000 according to some sources).
Is this all possible? If it is, then it makes helping underpriviledged people in India possible as well (I would have to cover my costs of travelling, accomodation, food and loss of income from my regular practice/job to do a trip like that).
please let me know
Hi Alophysio,
Your patient in mumbai should be a multi-millionaire to provide you with the offer..
Eventhough, India has large number of millionaires,, you wont be able to earn 2800-3500 INR/half an hour or 1 hour.. Physiotherapy is one of the poorly paid professions out here,, even after 3 years from the date of your post.. Even in private practice, the pay is not as lucrative as you might expect.. Therapists here are trying their hands at different things apart from physiotherapy, to keep their living going... Yes INDIA is a good place to visit,, but thinking of making a living from the profession same like how you have it in Australia, is impossible( even in a metro city like mumbai) I hope that the situation improves , which disappointingly, looks many years ahead......
Re: Physiotherapy Status In India
Thanks for your reply.
It is a shame...If i can fund a trip there, i can help a lot of people...
I would still like to visit.
Re: Physiotherapy Status In India
Originally Posted by
every one
i was reading all previous thread and replys by asha,and some aus
its true that we all should resect our nation but at the same time its true that in india the status of physio compare to other country is very bad.
i am a physio passed out in 2003 from RGUHS.but see what we have to do i have to prove my self again again and still after working this much time we have to be the victim of surgeon,s EGO.they might be knowing about their work but we know our proffession and we need not to learn physiotheray from a neuro or ortho surgeon.but this happens in india might be not in metro and west and south india but just look towrods north india what the shit going on here,
soory to use this type of words but its true that we have to strugle in india
I personally believes in physio therapy and I know some very good doctors in India that treats you in such a manner that you need not to worry about your problems and this therapy is one of the best therapy that actually have very good outcomes and people are getting treated well.
Re: Physiotherapy Status In India
Originally Posted by
Hi Alophysio,
Your patient in mumbai should be a multi-millionaire to provide you with the offer..
Eventhough, India has large number of millionaires,, you wont be able to earn 2800-3500 INR/half an hour or 1 hour.. Physiotherapy is one of the poorly paid professions out here,, even after 3 years from the date of your post.. Even in private practice, the pay is not as lucrative as you might expect.. Therapists here are trying their hands at different things apart from physiotherapy, to keep their living going... Yes INDIA is a good place to visit,, but thinking of making a living from the profession same like how you have it in Australia, is impossible( even in a metro city like mumbai) I hope that the situation improves , which disappointingly, looks many years ahead......
i was reading all previous thread and replys by asha,and some aus
its true that we all should resect our nation but at the same time its true that in india the status of physio compare to other country is very bad.
i am a physio passed out in 2003 from RGUHS.but see what we have to do i have to prove my self again again and still after working this much time we have to be the victim of surgeon,s EGO.they might be knowing about their work but we know our proffession and we need not to learn physiotheray from a neuro or ortho surgeon.but this happens in india might be not in metro and west and south india but just look towrods north india what the shit going on here,
soory to use this type of words but its true that we have to strugle in india
Re: Physiotherapy Status In India
Originally Posted by
Hi Asha,
Thanks for your post.
I am sure you are as financially well off as i am. The reason why i asked the question is because whenever i speak to someone from india about how much i would have to charge, they tell me that it is way too much.
Does your statement mean that you are charging similar to what i am or does it mean that relative to the cost of living, the remuneration is similar? The reason i ask this is because I would have to cover my income lost in my currency. If i was living in India, then it would be relative.
The other thing is that i will be running education courses in the next few years or so. I have seen 2 day weekend courses for INR3500 which is about 150 dollars - this is nearly 4 times cheaper than what they are here!! That is, i would run a course for ~INR 14,000. Is this achievable? What is the average indian physio wage?
Thank you so much for your insight and information on your country and cultur. I would very much like to come to Mumbai to either see patients and/or deliver courses and show my family a little bit of a very different world!
all the curriculum is based on the basic ur anatomy,physiology,and clinical subjects etc....what u need is the ability to think logically and apply it clinically...of course a lot depends on the kind of exposure you get in the early days...but i reckon....its the application....well i trained in mangalore...a city in karnataka..india. Mlore has 12 physiotherapy colleges and we are all affiliated to Rajiv Gandhi University of Health science, Bangalore
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Re: Physiotherapy Status In India
yes i agree. Physiotherapy Status In India is really miserable.
We didn't even left a single subject to study during our graduation.but still other medical professionals consider us in para medical staff.Moreover no respect as a doctor,no money, no satisfaction. doctors write down the treatment options we can give to the patient. what is this we know our duty better than them,actually they are afraid of us.we have much more treatment options than them. Government is really concerned over brain drain...but we cant help it .
Re: Physiotherapy Status In India
I am a PT in the USA with family ties to India. This is a fascinating topic, and I look forward to worldwide collaboration in the field.
In the US, we also have struggles related to policy and cultural authority ... many are not really comparable to Indian struggles, and some are. In any country, the list of influences evade measure, and may include: politics, paucity of resources, academic corruption, economic competition from other fields, marketing tactics, lack of education standards and oversight, financial interests, etc.
In the end, "what really works for the patient" is what eventually earns respect. This is the foundation. So much boils down to measurable effectiveness! Your clinicians that are able to critically appraise evidence, able to honestly inform a patient when therapy is not necessary, able to communicate effectively with other disciplines ... these are the professionals whose fields will survive time and inevitable scrutiny in the long term, whether or not we are called "doctors", no matter the country.
India is the historic origin of ancient systems of physical medicine, and is a founding member of the World Confederation of PT. There is no excuse for India not to be the innovative world leader in therapeutic exercise and manual treatment.
If what we do really works, the world will seek us out. Promotion, politics, lack of money ... this stuff takes a back seat to the individual professional synthesis of patient values and diagnostic hypotheses to select effective treatment strategies with the ultimate goal of restoring functional ability.
I have been much enriched by my Indian-trained colleagues, and I wish you the best of luck! Keep up the struggle, but let us all keep a critical focus on the essence of what we do. Thank you all! :)
Re: Physiotherapy Status In India
NOW General credits in india
Hello friends,
Good news for all physiotherapists and physiotherapy students who are aspiring to USA
Many of them Lack general credits to write NPTE exam in usa .
But in hyderabad there is a general credit program which is offering -32 -General credits
so that makes us eligible to write our NPTE Exam Anywhere in USA..
i am spreading this news because, i am going to USA to write my NPTE.
so,i am going to get my general credits.
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Thank you
Re: Physiotherapy Status In India
Dear Sir's,
I am an Indian and lives in India and done Masters in Physiotherapy (MPT).
I want to appear in NPTE Exam, please let me know,am I eligible to take up NPTE Exam!
Please tell me the way and the credentials and Visa process for this exam.
I am curious to take this exam.
Thank you,
Jagan Deep Singh,