Re: Fractured 5th metatarsal recovery time??
Hi I'm 70 yrs old, and on 14June 2014 I broke the 5th Metatarsal of right foot (shaft). Very pinfold at the time, but vary I had it x-rayed, and a plaster cast followed. I'm healthy fit 70yr old, but was anxious to get going in the fastest time. I kept the foot elevated most of the arts two weeks and used the crutches. had a visit with surgeon afte1 days and after a wee chat he said keep on the crutches for the next three weeks, but after two weeks I could apply some eight, and after that I could gradually put more weight on it. There's little or no pain, but the cast is so restrictive. Tomorrow morning is my next visit, and I hope they will remove the cast.
having read all the ad stories from fellow sufferers I am now wondering if I'm in for an unpleasant surprise tomorrow.
The x-ray showed the fracture clearly, but my pain level was never high, except when pressure is applied to it.
Here's hoping for a successful result for me tomorrow
John S
Originally Posted by
I'm new here so hi before I start, also sorry for the long post.
Went to the hospital today and found out I have a fractured 5th metatarsel, so my leg and foot is in a cast. I've been told by the hospital I need to go back after a week to see how the healing is going, but I'm a bit confused. I asked the nurse how long I will have the current cast in for and she said a week. She didn't say anything else. Reading online, it says the healing time for this injury is anywhere from 4 to 6 weeks. Is it possible I will have the cast on for only a week, or will it probably be the case that I will have another one put on. The nurse said the fracture was on the bone near the ankle, that was about it.
Another thing that I am worried about is that the injury happened 2 days ago, and I've been hobbling about on it in this time before getting it seen to, as the injury happened when my ankle gave way on me, so I stupidly thought I'd twisted my ankle. I only realised it was something more serious when bruising around my toes and heel came out, very deep blotchy purple bruising. Because I didn't get this seet to in this time, is it possible this could have complicated the issue??
Thanks in advance for any replies.
Re: Fractured 5th metatarsal recovery time??
Fell off my bike and fractured my 5th metatarsal. Was on a cast for 2 weeks and after 2nd round of review and xray, doc agreed to have the cast removed as it is extremely inconvenient such as for one, to keep it dry when showering and difficulty to turn around when sleeping. So for the first 2 weeks on cast, I hardly get any sleep which probably isn't good for healing. I was put on a walking boots after that but at 2 weeks, it was impossible to walk in it as it's still swollen and painful like crazy and Doc mentioned not to put any weight on the bad foot and make sure I continue to use the crutches. It was an agony as the crutches tires me out so I ended up staying in most of the time on my bed which is pretty depressing. Luckily I have a roller chair to sit on which allows me some mobility around the house.
By the 4th week it's getting extremely depressing, not able to work out like I used to and getting out of the house as much. Thank God that during this time, I got to know about the healing power of the herb comfrey from other forums and bought the Dr Christopher's healing bone ointment from iherb. It was truly a miracle herb. The night I applied it on my foot, I felt better immediately. The swollen and pain had instantly subsided and I was able to sleep well for the first time in 4weeks! I dutifully applied it 3x and more per day and when I went back to see the doc for another review and X-ray yesterday, he told me I have a very speedy recovery, so much so that my fracture is almost 70% healed and is hardly visible on the X-ray! I will not need any crutches anymore (YAY!) and can put weight on it and walk in the walking boots. I am in my 6th week by this time.
Being immobilize during this 6 weeks has been a depressing yet humbling experience. It makes one more empatic for people who are handicap or less fortunate than us and I'm fortunate to have met many nice and helpful during this downtime, most of them are complete strangers and taxi drivers who insisted on helping me to my doorway.
Being patience is the key and prayers helped a lot too. Take calcium, vit c and tumberic that helps with healing.
All the the best xx
- - - Updated - - -
Re: Fractured 5th metatarsal recovery time??
I have a spiral fx of 5th metatarsal and I have a few questions. I was offered the option of surgery or cast. I chose cast. I'm now on non weight Bering cast. It has been 4 weeks since injury and was re xrayed today and still with break. I go back to orthopedic me in 3 weeks for further eval. I was wondering if I should just go a head and have surgery and be done with it to speed up recovery. I would like to go no surgery route but wonder if just casting isn't going to help. When I go back in 3 weeks he is going to cut cast off and if no pain I get boot but if pain on standing I go back to cast. Again he spoke of surgery. I can't afford to be out of work for long time and it's been 4 weeks. I'm getting depressed over total process of situation. Should I just have surgery or keep going non invasive. Will this continue for weeks or am I wasting my time hanging in non weight bearing cast. I'm at a loss on what to do as my money dwindles away. Is there hope or just get cut upon and move on to a faster recovery.
Re: Fractured 5th metatarsal recovery time??
Hi there. I am new to this forum and am looking for a speedy recovery at 61 years, as I'm sure are the rest of you.
So here's my story concluding with a few questions.
I'm in fairly decent health, and aside from 30 pounds too heavy, am fairly active (I'm a Mail Carrier).
I suffered a "Jones Fracture" 3/13 by turning my ankle on a Crack in my driveway.
Ortho told me 3 months recovery == I naively thought he was exaggerating! 😭
I opted for surgery (screw) = was explained to me faster recovery, and chance for re-injury greatly reduced, vs 8-12 was in a cast and possibility of not healing, in which case would recommend the screw, and an additional 8-12 wks.
Was sent home in the air boot, tens unit for the injured leg, & compression sleeve for the other leg.
NO weight for 3 weeks.
2nd post-op (yesterday ) and I'm supposed to start putting weight on it as pain permits.
Today I hobbled about with partial weight on the boot (specifically the heel, as instructed) and had little pain. I used the knee scooter just for balance.
And that's the plan so far till the next appointment in 3 weeks.
So far, so good.
I actually got one of those knee scooters vs crutches, and it has afforded me MUCH mobility.
I'm up on it quite a bit, as we have a busy household with adult children and 4 grandkids living here too.
I elevate my leg always when I sit (I have 2 bags of packing popcorn I put pillowcases on-one for the living room, one for the bedroom - light and easy to position)
I do leg exercises when I'm laying down 2-3 times a day.
I drink milk and eat cottage cheese to try and get my calcium, but think I'll get some pills after reading here.
All in all, I've had little to no pain all this time, except the night I broke it.
Does flexing my foot help with blood circulation, or is it harmful to healing process?
What are some exercises I can be doing that will specifically help promote blood flow in the foot?
Re: Fractured 5th metatarsal recovery time??
I am lucky that my bones didn稚 displace. I just celebrated my 4th week in my cast. I知 being a cooperative patient. I致e hears terrible stories of surgeries and pins - so I知 being totally non weight bearing. I found many yoga videos on YouTube for those in a cast. This has helped my mental state a lot! Get a knee scooter. Crutches are impossible for me. I知 a clutz - which explains my break. I知 hoping to be in a walking boot in a week because we are off to Iceland. I知 a 59 yr old very fit nonsmoker. Good luck to everyone!!