RESPIRATORY acidosis:-
repiratory acidosis occurs when paco2 is elevated.paco2 rises when elemination of carbon dioxide and may occur for variety of reasons.
respiratory alkalosis:
respiratory alkalosis occurs when paco2 is decreased and indicates alveolar hyperventilation. the normal regulation of ventilation can be overridden by a variety of disorders as well as by voluntary control.
metabolic acidosis:
it can be produced by the addition of H+ OR THE loss of hco3-.it can result from an ability to encrete the dietry h+ load or from an acute increase in the h+ load, because of the addition of h+ or the loss of hco3-. acute increases in h+ load can overwhelm the renal excretory capacity,resulting in h+ retention and hence metabolic acidosis.
metabolic alkalosis:
metabolic alkalosis is characterised by a decrease in {h+} and an increase in plasma{hco3-}. a compensatory increase in paco2 is produced by a decreased in va.
jess ipd rehabilitation is not a topic.it is a whole subject to be discussed in 100 of seperations{ex.postural drainage for ipd}
jess the topic which we upload is not only for us its for all so if anything you have read is not always likly to be read by others so dont get annoyed. i promise if ill get some more information in the relevent topics ill send always.
moreover other members will also give some more to us keep waiting
gud bye
thanks very much for the reply. just nice to read it in a different context.
of course i understand that inpatient rehab offers such detail, however my mistake but maybe i didnt type clearly. what i meant to imply were simply general guidelines and initial therapy goals (both short term and long term) from which then we could discuss more in depth therapy. what i was initially thinking of were just simple goals we would need to think about whilst treating the patient in an acute setting for example, functional ADLs, rom, strengthening, patient education, risk factor modification ect ect.
apologises for the mix up in understanding!
hiiiiiii physios
can ny1 tell me about lumber stenosis----wat can we do 4 a patient with lumbar stenosis.
There are many forms of lumbar spinal stenosis. The most common is degenerative stenosis, occurring in virtually the entire adult population as a result of the natural process of aging. The posture of patients with lumbar spinal stenosis while walking is typically bent forward, or, kyphotic. Patients will sometimes describe how they can walk for longer periods in a store only by leaning forward supported by a shopping cart. Extension of the spine will often provoke symptoms while flexion will relieve them. Thus, many patients will stop walking, and bend over or squat to relieve their pain. The patients may only be able to walk a few hundred meters but may be able to ride a bicycle for several kilometers.
While some patients experience a rapid decline in physical function and a rapid increase in symptom severity, for many more, the process of becoming disabled from lumbar spinal stenosis is a slow one.
Conservative treatment typically consists of bedrest and controlled physical activity, physiotherapy, anti-inflammatory drugs, epidural steroid injections and the use of a lumbar corset. While some patients are able to obtain some relief from symptoms with these measures, many others do not. The most common surgical procedure for stenosis is a decompressive laminectomy sometimes accompanied by fusion.
Exercises that encourage lumbar flexion and flattening of the lumbar lordotic curve can be of a clinical benefit to patients suffering from lumbar spinal stenosis. An exercise program must be used 4 to 5 times a week to be beneficial, and any early signs of improvement are observed 4 to 6 weeks after the program has begun. (Nagler, W, Hausen, HS. 'Conservative management of lumbar spinal stenosis. Identifying patients likely to do well without surgery.' Postgraduate Medicine 1998; 103 (4): 69-88)
hey guys,
im going to be in london for a few days so apologies if i dnt reply to your messages!
best of jny jess, i hope this is an professional trip
im back now and would be happy to answer any qs u had earlier or now! did i miss anything drastic??
could you please tell me some more about sepsis and how it affects patients and rehab?
could you please define some nuclear imaging techniques which physios are used to seeing.
thanks jess
pulmonary oedema/ effusion
my topics!!!
is everyone ok with these topics? or were there any questions? happy to help
hey guys, i was wondering if i could get some help or rather discuss some things in a different way. it always helps to know how others describe things.
ok these were my questions;
functional residual capacity with regards to inward and outward elastic recoil?? im getting a little muddle with these.
pressure gradients with regards to intrapleural pressure ect during breathing...
oh and also can anyone suggest why one uses chest drains post pneumothorax even after aspiration? if a pneumothorax is an accumulation of air...then whats the chest drain for??
i prepared more topics...if anyones interested
fibrosing alveolitis
lung ca
so what is the 1st subject?? what we are going to talk about???
see all...!!!
hello friends,
i am heartly sorry to all of you for not being present for so long. these days of my life went drastically, i got infected by chicken pocks and when i got recovered i again got virul, i hope my situation is clear to you. ill try to come back with same spirit with in two three dayz
exam prep course?
this is just a little off the topic but has anyone considered or know ppl who have taken the npte preparation course or rather the IER Exam Preparation Course? apparently its a two day course which concentrates on the whole exax and applied techniques ect.
any info is welcome
hi im back
hello friends,
im back after a long gap.You all are requested to continue again with the same zeal.
hello jess,
i have never heard about such course which could be commenced injust two dayz.as soon you get any new information plz do inform us.
hey swapnil,
glad to know you are well again.
i have sent u an email link of the course site. also, this is this is the link www.therapyed.com/
check it out
hi jess,
thanks for your mail. this therapy ed website i have already checked long time before for there preperatory book.,but there 2 day course i dont think will be worth at all,whats your opinion.
well, actually i thought it was a good idea, and if anyones was planning on a holiday too do two things at once??!!! lol seriously though, i mean some of the reviews are good (although biased of course) and i just wanted to know other peoples ideas.
hey guys,
any opinions? i mean ive spoken to the tutors who teach the course who said that although its aimed at the npte- the course does outline the major topics also covered in the pce and the clinical reasoning behind the mcq's and exam strategies is the same.
any thoughts? please
hi jess,
if you have reached the experts so there is no point to doubt on you.if you are so sure than its our job to find more about it and to work for it.
from today restart the daily topics also
and jess as you have proved to be very regular, this time the strategy to work on will be set by you. you decide how to carry on the group how to commence our weekly debates and so on,as since when i fall ill the group is almost vanished.