Tennis Elbow - Please advise
I would really appreciate your thoughts as i cannot take this pain anymore.
Its a long story which i will try and cut short....
I play cricket as a bowler and over the last 2 years i have been getting very painful pains in my left arm (bowling arm). Over the last year the pain has been unbearable and i have been unable to bowl as i should. IF you know about cricket a spinner is now quicker than me. I have gone through the pain barrier over this time and i cannot continue.
I have seen the doctor's many times who say "rest and anti infalmatry" for the past year. This naturally did not help. I then saw a physio whom confirmed i had
tennis elbow. I spent Ģ600 on 15 sessions of physio. This included ultra sound, nurotrons , gym and rehab work along with intense massarge.
I was informed i had a lot of scar tissue in my tendon. near the elbow joint. After the physio my arm was better for a short time. Even though i was not 100% happy it was the pain was momnetly released.
A month after my gym work the pain returned to the same level as before. I went back to the doctor to see a specialist (private).
The specialist stated 100% i do not have tennis elbow. He gave me a cortisone into my tendon at the "painful" spot. I also had an x-ray which showed everything was normal...
A week later i went to the ultra sound clinic and it appeared everything was fine. He did spot Blood vessles in my tendon which is not usuallly common, however this was also found in my good arm so he ignored this.
I am next due an
MRI scan as a "precaution" but the specialst has told me this will return normal.
At the moment it looks like i will be told to "rest" . This has done nothing for me over 2 years and this pain i cannot take and i cannot resume normal day to day activites without pain.
HAs anyone any ideas on what my problem maybe???? Physio says tennis elbow, specialst says its not. I trust the specialst as he cost an "arm and a leg" excuse the punt.
THe cortisone i had in my tendon made no difference to my pain. Is there any other "problems" simialr to tennis elbow>>???
I can feel the sore point in my tendon around an inch down from my elbow. The pain comes and goes daily. At one point u could not touch my arm without being in very bad pain.
Your input would be great!!!
Thanks !!
Re: Tennis Elbow - Please advise
Sorry for your discomfort, I think is more assiociated with a neck/shoulder girdle even thoracic spine.
Have you had any assessments on it?
How is you neck, shoulder? mean any stifness, strenge sensations, tander points etc etc
take care
Re: Tennis Elbow - Please advise
Originally Posted by
Sorry for your discomfort, I think is more assiociated with a neck/shoulder girdle even thoracic spine.
Have you had any assessments on it?
How is you neck, shoulder? mean any stifness, strenge sensations, tander points etc etc
take care
Thank you very much for the reply. I have no neck / shoulder problems are far as i am aware. I have not had any assessments on my neck / shoulder as i have no discomfort in these areas.
Just as an update i had an
MRI scan a couple of days ago and awaiting my results on Jan 5th 2009. I hope this may pickup my problem...
My left arm constantly feels bruised and a throbbing sensation. I will update when i have my MRI results but any other advise would be great
Happy christmas
Re: Tennis Elbow - Please advise
dear puppy8910
Sorry to hear this story.
I have seen many people with epicondylitis ( and have even treated them a lot myself). More often than not, the reason for them having required the pain in the first place, is NOT a problem in the elbow region itself!!!!! . It could very well be related to the schoulder, the cervical or thoracic spine, it could even be related to the organs (the large intenstine meridiaan runs in this area).
If I were you I would try to find someone who knows a lot about sports and is not only musculoskeletally and neurologically interested, but who knows a bit more about meridiaans.
I have seen many cases of epicondylitis not resolving when treated locally, but resolving the moment the therapist finds the " real reason" behind the problem in the first place. This could be problems in the shoulder joint, cervical or thoracic areas or even energy dysbalanse problems.
Hope this helps you a bit
esther de ru
Re: Tennis Elbow - Please advise
hi friend
i totally agree with assessment from a movement impairment point of view is needed.
even the sling pattern of muscles need to be checked
i am interested esther,to know about the intestinal meredian.are you discussing from acupuncture point of view?please elaborate regarding it as i am genuinely keen to hear it
Re: Tennis Elbow - Please advise
I agree with Ester. i am a physio who got
tennis elbow, i believe, because I had a 'labral(cartilage tear) in that same shoulder. This made my shoulder 'external rotator muscles weak and so I think i compensated by over using my forearm muscles. For example when turning a door handle clockwise, this action uses forearm muscles but also shoulder muscles.
Re: Tennis Elbow - Please advise
wow thank you for the response. This is certainly food for thought. If my
MRI scan comes back "Normal" i will certainly seek a specialist physio and bring this information. Although i had 15 hours of physio previously this was just a general physio.
Its interesting to read about the shoulder / spine problems you mention. I will certainly google and look into the diagnosis you have all pointed out.
Some days my arm is okay, otherwise it can be a killer.
Appreciate the reply.
Re: Tennis Elbow - Please advise
Just to give you an update I have had my
MRI results. Again the results have been shown clear. (Good news).
Bad news is that i have been told to "rest" and not play cricket next season which of course for me is "bad news" .
I am lost where to go to now as all X-RAY / MRI / Ultra Sound scans have come back clear.
I am living in Essex (UK). Any Physio's in my area that may have seen this type of problem before??
Could it be RSI ? - I do type quite a lot during my working day but the pain is only severe during and after cricket (sports). Some days after bowling i even have to use my Right hand to change gear when driving.
Thanks in advance.
Re: Tennis Elbow - Please advise
Hi Stephen, firstly bowlers don't reallt get
tennis elbow. Maybe more likely to be the other side of the arm (inside like in golfer's elbow?). But that said anything is possible.
Almost always problems in bowlers come from poor bowling mechanics combined with overuse (not enough rest, to many overs, poor diet, to much to soon etc). usually the training and playing regimen leading up to the injury will give some insight.
Right now rest will do nothing but lessen the pain until you begin to play again. I would suggest going to a good sports Physio who can show you how to apply some taping techniques to reduce the tension/load on the injured structure/s. There's many options depending on your problem. Then you need a video analysis of your bowling action, either by a physio or a bowling coach to look at what you are doing. A friend could even video you and you could take it in for viewing and discussing with the PT. A correction of the action should free the normal movement and the problem should resolve.
If that fails then there are other issues in place, such as energy pathways (meridians) etc that may be blocked and are reducing your normal healing response - delayed healing and normal use can lead to symptoms of overuse. Maybe go to London to the crystal palace physio practice and talk to the guys there as I am sure they could help sort you out. Would be worth the journey.
regards and best of luck :)
Re: Tennis Elbow - Please advise
dear stephen,
I agree with physiobob
in normal practice I assess the patientīs history, check his elbow, shoulder and all other parts that might be part of /or likely to be causing the problem first.
Then, if:
- there is no response to my initial therapy
- there are no skin- organ zones or complaints that would suggest I have to look into the organs/meridiaan bit,
then I would very much like to look at your techniek and your posture during your work. This because some people, especially if they are working under time-stress "hold their breath" during their work. They are in a permanent state of "inspiration" having breathed in... lifted their ribs and staying in that position (which can irritate nerves and vessels going to your arms).
I must say this is something I normally look for initially. It happens quiet often.
I would say you have already landed into this last phase.....
Go to a good physiotherapist..... have these things checked and video tape you techniek and your posture.
Good luck
Re: Tennis Elbow - Please advise
Thank you for the quick reply. I am not a professional by all means but i do play quite a good standard cricket. Normally I play every Saturday and only train once (if any) during the week i.e Wednesday.
I will certainly approach a good professional physio like you mention to assist with my problem. You could well be correct with regards to my "bowling" technique. I have previously been "remodled" by the Essex Cricket coach a couple of years ago. All have been okay since the last year.
Thank you again!
Re: Tennis Elbow - Please advise
Having a sharp pain in my elbow on the outside, heard that strengthening the muscles that open the hands works any info on the xtensor out there?<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>