hey guys
i have a patient who is 82 years by age.she has been suffering from sciatica for the past 3 months and the pain has worsened.she isnt able to move out as well cos of da pain.what kind of excercises am i suppose to give that will give her pain relief. she has been taking tens treatment at a private clinic but nothing has helped till nw.
Re: sciatica
please do a detailed assessment and present it here the relevant findings.then i feel more people will be able to give helpful suggestions.
if the SLR renge is quite less,try some nerve sliding techniques and see the response.progress slowly with the case ,keeping always her age and associated problems in mind
Re: sciatica
I see loads of over 80's with back problems. As has already been said, think of the age and other problems and are there any "red flags"?. Has the person had an x-ray /
mri or anything to rule out massive degenerate change, osteoporosis, spontaneous fractures, stenosis etc?
If possible serious pathologies are ruled out, as far as one can do, treat as a back problem but cautious in comparison to clients much younger. Ergonomics in every day lifting /sitting habits should be looked at. If OA hips and knees prevent sensible lifting it is difficult to calm down a back problem. Feet deformities and bad gait also affects the back.
As far as exercise goes, it depends on what sort of 80 year old you have, some have been active all their lives and some not. If there is an accompanying muscle imbalance problem it's usually possible to do transversus training and indeed lots more, even in older patients it's possible to help weakness of muscle.