About trigger points
I was just wondering... I've had some serious trigger points all over my scalenes (side of my neck, above collarbone) and I've been massaging them for a while now. I also have lots of trigger points around my shoulders & arms. A few days back when I once again applied pressure to my scalenes my whole right arm started to tingle all the way down to my fingers and some muscles started to twitch. Now my little finger is a bit numb and my whole arm is quite weak. I sometimes have to help with my other hand with anything that requires lifting and grabbing objects etc. Is this a normal "side effect?" If you have any suggestions, for example which muscles to pay attention to (it takes too long to go through all of the trigger points) or if you know where all of my arm strength went, please, do tell. ;)
Re: About trigger points
hi friend
according to the description
it can be tigger point in trapezius
thoracic outlet syndrome
mechanical sensitivity of of nerves of cervical origin.
please undergo a detailed assessment by physio as weakness doesn't arise as a sequelae of massage to trigger points.
please continue to post