what are the treatment for spinal cord injury and the excercise.what is the home program?
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what are the treatment for spinal cord injury and the excercise.what is the home program?
i just want an example so that i can refer it to my asignment my lecture just giv the topic on is physio assestment on spinal cord injury can show any?
Hi tapaumas,
now, you have lost me, too.:o
We don't do prescription Physio, so your intervention depends on your assessment findings, as said above by Canuck.
First you have to look at the "label" of the diagnosis (e.g. surgery vs. conservative, complete vs. incomplete, level, ASIA score, etc.). Then you perform your neurological assessment (we use the ICF model), as you would do for any other patient. In this, you will include e.g. restrictions as stated by the surgeon and so on. The assessment and treatment also depends on how long past injury you do the assessment.
But all this goes back to your assessment findings and clinical evaluation/ analysis.
So, what is it that you actually want????
Are you talking about a case study?
i also got a bit confused with my assignment its my lecturer he just ask me to do an assignment about the assesstment and treatment of spinal cord injury that i think your right it is about case study.
am unsure about what kind of assignment it is you have to do (like, what module/ subject you're doing it for) and what kind of teaching you previuosly have received..
But it sounds like he wants you to do a literature review. :D
So, would recommend to start with that.
Case reviews are hard to come by, just because of the privacy issues.
Good luck,
oh ok thx i will ask my lecturer 1st what she want then i ask u what are the things needed to do hehe.
Spinal cord rehabilitation depends on the level of the lesion and therapy as usual is an ongoing process with all the interdisciplinary team members involved.This includes the Doctor, the Nurse, Social worker, orthotist, psychologist, The Physiotherapist, The occupational therapist, The Sexiologist, the spiritual counselor, disabled person who can identify with him, of utmost importance in the role of the family, care giver.
There is a very useful reference by Ida Bromely which clearly describes and ellaborates the management.
To be very specific,Most of the cervical cord lesions would ideally require a Wheel chair and therapy would focus on wheel chair management and assistance in passive transfers from wheel chair to the plinth and vice versa,Very few can manage without assistance.The Thoracic cord lesion would be able to use a Walking frame for short distances but eventually a wheel chair esp for long distances. For the Lumbar cord lesions they would finally mange with a pair of elbow crutches. Now the ability to use these walking aids also depends on the extent of better they have been rehabilitated prior to issuing them these. Few points to consider would be the following:
Arm strengthening exer with dumbells/bar bells
Passive stretches to the Lower limb muscles
Facilitating rolling from supine to sidelying
Prone and push ups--progress to on all 4"s
Encouraging to sit up from supine
balance training in long sitting-sitting edge of bed(Static-dynamic)
Push up blocks for relieving sacral pressure
Teaching transfers from plinth to wheelchair vice versa passive and later active
For patients who can stand-standing against a wall bar/Tilt table to combat postural hypertension
Standing in parallel bars and training gait-progress to walking frame
Fabricate splints for support
Later Elbow crutches 4point gait
these are just the few points. :)
thx u my fren that what i wanted this asignment for my neuroscience subject im taking diploma in physiotherapy