Ongoing Back Pain - Please Help!
I've had back pain that has seriously compromised my ability to live a normal life for the last 2 1/2 years and I'm hoping someone may be able to suggest an alternative course of action for me to try!
I have historically been very active doing lots of gym work, ocean sailing, rock climbing etc. I have experienced low level back ache for years but nothing that slowed me up at all. 2 1/2 years ago I fell off a sun-lounger of all things, and jarred my back. Scans showed a grade 1 Spondyolisthesis (reverse) at L5 and grade 1 disc bulges at L4/5 and L5/S1. I also have pars defects somewhere. I experience sciatic leg pain for the first time although this was manageable. I was getting much better until I did a huge flexion exercise at Pilates and made it much much worse. The scans dont show significant change but I could hardly stand up for about 6 weeks and it has continued to be much much worse.
I do lots of core exercises, including a physio run class every week, I have been to a pain management clinic and I have acupuncture which helps relieve muscle spasm and pain. I have been very slowly improving, but 2 years on from the Pilates incident and I'm still in almost constant discomfort/pain of varying levels, I still cant sit unsupported for more than about 5 mins, stand still without pain after about 5 mins, walk more than 30 mins (this causes increased discomfort/pain), swim more than 4 laps without spasms, or do other exercise. I'm only 35 and previously extremely active. I feel like I've been given a life sentence and no-one seems to be able to suggest anything that will really make a significant difference.
I'm in Sydney. If anyone knows any great specialists that I can see or has any suggestions, please please let me know!!!!
Re: Ongoing Back Pain - Please Help!
I am a phisical therapiest, from Croatia, so if my english gramma is not perfect. please forgive me.
I am sure you've heard many advices on what to do with your problem, and your current situation is suggesting that non of them helped you.
My line of job is working with all kinds of vertebral problems, in last two years, so I have expirience working with people that have problems like you do.
If you have any questions , please feel free to ask me
Marin Pervan, phisical therapist
Re: Ongoing Back Pain - Please Help!
Hi there.. you say youve been through a pain management clinic? just wanted to ask whether they talked about central sensitisation at all.. and if they took you through a gradual programme of increasing your activities from a pain free starting point? and whether they talked to you about any fears eg of movement.. that you may have picked up.
have you been told that the the proposed disc problems are still likely to be the factor causing your pain? or have you been given a less than clear explanation of what may be causing your pain?
can you also describe what factors at the current time aggravate/ ease your pain
await your response..
Re: Ongoing Back Pain - Please Help!
I'd also be interested to know more specifics about your aggs and eases patterns and 24 hour pattern (ie first thing in the morning vs end of day, vs. sleeping etc). this could explain further discogenic nature of your pain or other sources (eg. ligamentous, muscular strength, hyperalgaesia which wouldn't show up on Xray).
and about the swimming. avoid breast-stroke kick (unless you really know you do it well, most people do a 'screw" kick which causes considerable lumbar rotation). and try swimming with a pull buoy (peanut shaped piece of foam that you hold between upper thighs) so your legs are relaxed and elevated in the water. then make sure you're using your core to hold good alignment in the water. Do you hangign float in the water -like gentle traction allowing your legs to just dangle down in deep water while your upper body is supported by a float... does that help??
Re: Ongoing Back Pain - Please Help!
I would like to suggest you go to this center. I am confident it will help you deal with your problem. It is in Sydney.
Focus On Backs Pty Ltd
Certified McKenzie Clinic
1 / 124 Shirley Road
Crows Nest
T 02 9460 8551
F 02 0460 8552
Re: Ongoing Back Pain - Please Help!
You may also want to practice good ergonomics in your everyday living. A simple ergonomic office chair greatly changed my quality of life. I feel less sore and exhausted when I go home from work, which made me more enthusiastic to spend quality time with my friends after hours. You should give it a try too! Trust me!!!
Re: Ongoing Back Pain - Please Help!
hi VenPts,
Whats central sensitisation?