Physio in NY required
One of my clients has moved back to NY and is struggling to find a physio she likes. She responded well to a Maitland/Mulligan/Exercise approach and would really like a physio that doesn't use much EPA. Preferably an aussie. Most parts of Manhatten are OK, but east of 86th would be better.
physio in NY
I would like to recommend Robert Shapiro. He has one of the best resumes in manual therapy to cross my desk and we have had several long conversations over the past few months on that topic. Very insightful. I am mentoring him in my approach. He is by my estimation a remarkable manual therapist. Contact the NY licensing board or NY Physical Association or contact me privately [email protected]
jerry hesch, mhs, pt
Thanks for the reply. I'll look into it and let you know if I have any trouble.
Cheers Caio