Hallo All,
Kindly please I need any information relevant to
Gross motor performance measure manual book
So, please if any one have sheet for Gross motor performance scale , I need them soonly !
Few hints help alot of... :cool::):cool:
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Hallo All,
Kindly please I need any information relevant to
Gross motor performance measure manual book
So, please if any one have sheet for Gross motor performance scale , I need them soonly !
Few hints help alot of... :cool::):cool:
dear junior,
On the CanChild website all the information about this measure.
Gross Motor Performance Measure (GMPM)
I suggest you mail them to ask for more information.
and found another article about it
The Gross Motor Performance Measure: validity and responsiveness of a measure of quality of movement | Physical Therapy | Find Articles at BNET
and Wiley InterScience :: Session Cookies
kind regards
Hallo Esther,
Thanks alot of for your input,may kindly I can ask if the can child website is a relible ,objective link! sorry for my question!
Thanks once again
dear junior
A definite YES ...
Very informative site with enormous quality and a lot of the information and tests are freely downloadable.
CanChild is a research and educational centre founded in 1989 (McMasters University)with funding from the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care.
You can get a lot of information from it.
Good luck
Thanks Esther,the link is interesting.do you have experince with GMPM scale?
hello Junior
is that u want to know if someone has experience with GMFM .If yes i do have some experience
Thanks drogvindh
Would you please kindly attach the sheet of GMPM scale ,in case you have it!
few hints would help me alot of ,
dear colleagues,
I´m sorry, I do not have any experience using the GMPM.
I do think you need to buy the manual.. as I said go to canchild.
To order the GMPM: The GMPM is available from the Social Program Evaluation Group at Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. Send an email to spegmail@educ.queensu.ca. Include the name of the measure (i.e., GMPM) in your message.
Cost of the manual: Cost information is available from the Social Program Evaluation Group at Queen's University.
It might be possible to ask for a special price.
The GMFM is another test altogether and to use this you also need to buy the manual at the very least. To order The GMFM is available from Blackwell Publishing.
The GMFM manual contains two DVD´s with test information and the GMFE= gross motor function estimator...
If you have never used these tests, get together with colleagues and try studying together.
good luck