Snapping scapula
I have a patient with snapping scapula (superior angle)for two years and never been treated specifically.
I started to work on scapula stability. Besides this I treated with US to reduce the irritation/ inflammation. Retraction seems to be the worst movement. His scapula is approx. 1.5cm lower than the healthy side.
Does anybody have experience with this kind of problem and knows specific exercises or any tipps?
Thank you!
Re: Snapping scapula
try to do mobilization to the scapule
Re: Snapping scapula
As my opinion, ur patient problem results from downward rotation of scapular. If ur patient has weakness in upper trapezius because of bad habitual posture (i.e forwarded neck), ur patient also has stiffness in levator scapuar and rhoboid major and minor.
and Latissimus dorsi olso can cause downward rotation of scapular
but snapping sound in retration means it is more likely due to levator scapular.
so i hope u do eaxmine ur patient levator scapular and rhoboid and if u find stiffness or shortness in these muscle , doing massage or applying kinesio tape would be helpful....
Re: Snapping scapula
Don't panic.
Lots of functional, closed chain serratus anterior stuff - as long as the patient has adequate thoracic spine extension.