Soft spot injury between calf and tibia?
I started off in judo recently and during training, I and my partner both ended up falling to the ground. Unfortunately, his bent knee managed to slam into my lower right leg, just to the left of the tibia. So, basically right between my calf and my tibia.
It hurt and everything, but I just figured it was just yet another bump you take occasionally. It didn't stop me from continuing class. It didn't stop me from going back to class for another 2 classes. I can walk, run, go to judo without much pain (unless someone kicks me there with a bad sweep, and then my eyeballs start rolling around like the cookie monster). There's not a bruise, swelling, or discoloring. My calf muscle mostly feels fine. I can bear weight on it with no problem.
The disturbing thing about it is that if I run my fingers just on the inside of my tibia, along where the calf meets the tibia, there's basically this very soft spot, about 3 fingers lengthwise / 2 fingers wide, where the knee landed. The rest of my lower leg area above and below the spot is fairly hard. If you press in the soft spot, there's very little resistance, and it's still pretty tender there. If I press in maybe about a cm and hold, the indentation stays there a a little.
Does anybody know what kind of injury this is and how to treat it? Can I continue going to judo and feel comfortable that some more kicks down there won't cause more serious damage (and just grit my teeth when the nerve fires...)? Or should I take X weeks off?