finding first entry level position in England
Iīm thinking about doing the MSc pre registration course and want to know what the job market is like for new graduate physiotherapists.
Is it saturated? Do you have to take any place which comes up in the country or if you are from a big city it wonīt be too difficult to get a job there?
Do you have to work for peanuts for the first year in some badly run operation just to get your foot in the door or will a job with the NHS not be too difficult to find?
Is is normal for new graduates to be on the dole unable to find work. I understand this year is bad for most things so what was the situation like just before the recession i.e 2007-2008.
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Re: finding first entrylevel position in England
Hi Orifan,
I can only speak from personal experiences. I graduated as a Physio in 2007 and have been unable to secure a position as a Physio :mad:. However this may be due to the fact I am a mature student with children and therefore unable to travel to find a position.
Re: finding first entry level position in England
Thanks for the reply but can more people give their opinions. People who are able to relocate. Iīve been reading threads from 2006-2007 saying the situation was really bad but canīt find any recent info. Has it improved? what will it be like in 2012?
I wouldnīt mind getting my first entry level job abroad but have been reading that you would need 1 years experience for Australia and New zealand. Any countries not asking for 1 years exprience?
Re: finding first entry level position in England
i done my HPC registration in Jan 2009 and I am from India. It is very very difficult to find an NHS job and i've been to recruitment agencies and just to get registered it is a long time consuming and money sucking process. I would recommend USA to everyone, as the registration time takes nearly the same for UK or USA (maybe a bit longer for USA but worth the wait) for interational applicants and jobs are quick to come by in most of USA states. But I am talking about the London and Greater London area, I suppose you have more chances of securing a job outside of this London area say north england or wales. Also most NHS jobs and private agencies require min of 1 year experience.