post graduate Physiotherapy intensive courses????
We are 2 Dutch certified Physiotherapists and interested in following a post-graduate course in New Zealand (Auckland). We were thinking about doing the Mc Kenzie course, but this is only possible in weekends and spread out over several months. We only stay for 5 months, so we are not able to follow this course. Do you have any suggestions for us? We prefer to follow an intensive course!
Thank you for your reply,
Rani and Jasper.
Re: post graduate Physiotherapy intensive courses????
Additional Comment I forgot:
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Additional Comment I forgot:
We are 2 Dutch certified Physiotherapists and interested in following a post-graduate course in New Zealand (Auckland). We were thinking about doing the Mc Kenzie course, but this is only possible in weekends and spread out over several months. We only stay for 5 months, so we are not able to follow this course. Do you have any suggestions for us? We prefer to follow an intensive course!
Additional Comment I forgot:
We only stay for 5 months, so we are not able to follow this course. Do you have any suggestions for us? We prefer to follow an intensive course!
Additional Comment I forgot:
We are 2 Dutch certified Physiotherapists and interested in following a post-graduate course in New Zealand (Auckland). We were thinking about doing the Mc Kenzie course, but this is only possible in weekends and spread out over several months. We only stay for 5 months, so we are not able to follow this course. Do you have any suggestions for us?
Re: post graduate Physiotherapy intensive courses????
visit the website of the NZ Society of Physiotherapists: NZSP -New Zealand Society of Physiotherapists Inc.
If you open the "news/ calendar" site, click on "professional development calendar" and you find a list of courses for the year.
Maybe you'll find something of interest there.
Be aware, that in order to be able to participate in postgrad study in NZ, you need to register as a Physiotherapist with the Physioboard under the "Special Purpose Scope- Postgraduate Student" category.The Physiotherapy Board of New Zealand > Registration