Help...clunking after shoulder surgery, is this ok?
Hi there,
Basic backround is had Subacromial decompression and excision of distal clavicle on monday. Pain is not to bad when im sitting resting it, however when i try and do my exercises perscribed by the physio, and trying to get dressed my shoulder is clunking, which does hurt. Does anyone know what may be causing this? Is it normall?
Im just a bit worried that i may have done something to it and made it worse.
Re: Help...clunking after shoulder surgery, is this ok?
Oh, it's very normal, my dear. Don't worry! Shoulders clunk very readily but it will do away in time. The reason is because the ligaments in the
rotator cuff are a bit slack and out of wack after the operation. That exercise they give you a piece of rubber bandage for, you have to put your arm through a variety of exercises agains its resistance, they'll eventually tighten everything up and get back tone again.
Re: Help...clunking after shoulder surgery, is this ok?
i've never known a subacromial decompression surgery patient to have a painful clunk after surgery. it is generally a very safe, stable, and easy to rehab surgery but i'm sure techniques very surgeon to surgeon. is it more of a clunk (which may be considered to be a deep, loud sound) or a click (a higher pitched quieter sound). as with any post-surgical question you should ask the surgeon about it and the physio. it could be benign or not. what did the surgeon say? the physio? i assume you either didn't ask or didn't like their answers which is why you asked here. are you sure the only thing they did was a decompression? often times more than one thing is done.