Shoulder injury. please help.
About a year ago I damaged my shoulders lifting weights. Specifically I gradually damaged them by doing chest flys using weights that, in hindsight, were way too big. I felt no pain whilst working out but when I kept still, eg sitting still or lying down, my shoulders would ache around the back of my shoulder joint. I stopped exercising a year ago when the pain was really chronic. I went to my doctor who wasn’t really helpful (i think he was a bit apathetic given that I injured myself through my own stupidity). He told me that the muscles around my shoulder were spasming when I kept still and that I should keep them mobile. I’m not sure how accurate he was.
Today the pain is, thankfully, not as bad as it was but still there. I have a constant dull ache in both shoulders, this is exacerbated when I do things like carry shopping bags. Can anyone offer me any advice as to any potential physiotherapy that could help.<o></o>
Many thanks in advance, Dave. <o></o>
Re: Shoulder injury. please help.
if it is still causing you pain i would recoment you tsee a PT you will require a full shoulder assesment. it will probably be a partial tear at the time of the injury of one of your
rotator cuff muscles which have not healed properly you could be sheilding the injury by adjusting your posture inturn causing more problem,s at the shoulder like impingements which will not allow the damaged area to heal properly the pt also may look at your scapula foir any stability issues and general muscle imbalance issues.