Is all of this because of Tennis Elbow?
I'm a fit, active 52 year old. For 40 years I've played accoustic guitar as a hobby. For a number of years I've had discomfort in my left elbow. I grip the neck of the guitar with my left hand. It was not serious and I ignored the discomfort.
Two weeks ago the pain in my joint got a lot worse, but the thing that has really surprised me is that the pain has spread out of the joint into the muscles and bones of my forearm, wrist and upper arm. It feels just like someone attacked me with a piece of 3 x 2. I can't straighten my elbow, or bend it fully. It is extremely painful doing simple things like picking up a kettle.
So is all of this because of
Tennis Elbow? I've been taking Ibuprofen for a week now. There has been a slight improvement, but not much. It goes without saying that my guitar is gathering dust currently.
Re: Is all of this because of Tennis Elbow?
im only a student but from what you say a assesment is probably your best bet, has
tennis elbow been a problem for you before? are you getting a sharp shooting pain? pain at rest? dull? night?? lot of structures around there to rule out bursa?ulna nerve? pain in the joint itself is uncommon more around the lateral aspect of the elbow and should be painful on palpation. if tennis elbow is the case rest the arm take iburoprofen then slowly start slow eccentric loading or resisted with theraband exercises taking the wrist from neutral into extension, eccentric control is what your after.
Try this if the problem persists after a week go see your gp and try and get a referral to see a physiotherapist.
Re: Is all of this because of Tennis Elbow?
Thanks for the reply. Yes I have had the pain in the elbow joint for many years. I only recently connected it with my guitar playing because I didn't get pain when I was playing. The pain was usually during the night. The difference recently is that the pain has spread into the surrounding bones and muscles.
I haven't played my guitar for maybe 10 days now. I have been pleasantly surprised to be getting some decent nights sleep.
So i'll keep taking the Ibuprofen and see how it goes. I've got some mobility back now. I can wash my face and hair normally which is a relief.
Re: Is all of this because of Tennis Elbow?
try applying ice on the affected area and keep moving the arm gently extend and flex arm at elbow and supinate and pronate forearm with a extendended elbow in a few days extend your wrist slowly against gravity do it three or four times a day for about 10 repitions it should be pain free apply resistance via a theraband if it gets easier.