HELP!Review tips/guide for Australia written exam
Hi all!
I am planning to apply for registration in Australia,anyone here who could give review tips/guide for the test? I am trained in the Philippines and my education is very much based in American standards. I am unsure if it will be the same in Australia. Thanks to those who are able to help me!!:)
Regsitration in Australia
Hi Caidee,
please contact me at , I have just finished the procedure for recognition in Australia.
Re: HELP!Review tips/guide for Australia written exam
Hi emmi!
I emailed you just now regarding invitation to your yahoo groups and membership to AAPTA =) I must say you are paving the way for every foreign trained physio's and I thank you for that! God bless you!
Re: Regsitration in Australia
Please send me also this info. I am interested in registering as well. I was trained in Zimbabwe 2002.
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Please send me also this info. I am interested in registering as well. I was trained in Zimbabwe 2002.