Hi physios, i am a mpt (ortho) student. i am in a idea to do my dissertation in trigger point therapy. if you have or come across any articles on that, send me the articles or give resources.
thank you
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Hi physios, i am a mpt (ortho) student. i am in a idea to do my dissertation in trigger point therapy. if you have or come across any articles on that, send me the articles or give resources.
thank you
Have a look over the work of Janet G. Travell and David G. Simon in their book
Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction The Trigger point Manual By Janet G.Travell and D.G.Simon.
Acupuncture, trigger points and musculoskeletal pain By P.E.Baldry
Here are some more useful resources on myofascial pain syndrome and trigger points.
Myofascial Pain Syndrome
Myofascial Pain syndrome- stop pain.org
Fibromyalgia and chronic myofacial pain
Complete muscle table for human Body
Position paper on trigger point injections
Identifying and treating myofascial pain syndrome
Treatment of myofascial pain syndrome requires team effort
Myofascial pain syndrome in lumbar dysfunction
Myofascial pain
Introduction to myofascial pain, trigger points and myofascial therapy
Travell & Simons' Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction: The Trigger Point Manual (2-Volume Set)
Myofascial pain syndrome
Chronic Musculoskeletal pain
Myofascial pain
Myofascial pain, trigger points, nerve root pain, satellite trigger points
Myofascial Pain Syndrome- Muscle knots cause most of the world’s aches and pains
Myofascial Pain Management
Janet G. Travell, M.D. "The Mother of MYOFASCIAL - TRIGGER POINT Knowledge"
UPDATE OF Myofascial Pain from Trigger Points By Professor David Simons
What is a trigger point?