Advice on MSc Biomechanics for physio
Could anyone give any advice/recommendations for valid and appropriate MSc courses in human biomechanics in the UK for physiotherapists post BSc qualification? i.e endorsed, clinical relevancy. Any specific considerations?
Advice and guidance is much appreciated
Re: Advice on MSc Biomechanics for physio
MSc Biomechanics of Gait and Posture at Liverpool John Moores University.
Good luck!
Re: Advice on MSc Biomechanics for physio
thanks lamfel
I have interestingly made some enquires about the course at Liverpool John Moores -'Biomechanics of gait and Posture' and also at Manchester Metropolitan university 'MSc Exercise and Sport (Biomechanics)'. Could you give any comments on the benefits of one over the other?
Emma :)