Shoulder Problem
Hi All,
I have recently developed a niggling shoulder pain in my left shoulder, i lift weights regularly and have had no problems until now.
The pain is worse when i try and raise the arm, straight, from my side. As the arm reaches towards horizontal the pain starts on the back of my shoulder. It is quite a sharp pain that niggles away at you, i find it impossible to perform a dip or a bench press as the sharp feeling is too painful.
Essentially any activity that draws the arm up is causing me pain, has anyone got any ideas what this could be and how to treat it, currently i'm icing and heating it, whilst taking ibuprofen.
Thank you in advance,
Re: Shoulder Problem
Hi Friend
As per your description and site of pain i primarly suspect an internal impingement.the posterior
rotator cuff muscle is pinched betweern humeral head and glenoid labrum in the postero-superior aspect.If thats the case then i will suggest some treatment options
stretching of posterior shoulder structures
strengthening of rotator cuff and scapula stabilizers.
i will also suspect
Supraspinatus tendinitis
SLAP lesion
Re: Shoulder Problem
Thank you for your reply,
With regards to the estimated cause of the pain, how long do you feel the injury will require to heal sufficiently for me to partake in weight lifting again. As i mentioned the only lifts i have problems with are dips and bench press, also anything which places the arm in outstreched perpendicular position to the body, ie lateral raises.
I have started to attempt to do some
rotator cuff exercises but the affected arm is still to sharp to do them properly.
Re: Shoulder Problem
Hallo ALL,
Well, let us hope to you a fast full recovery..
In addition to post above ,may I can ask about your posture do you have a forward head posture along with rounded shoulders,weight lifting is yours job or a hobby,if not so what is your job,how do you practice your wight lifting ,
yours pain do u have it at begining then free pain area then back with up to pain area during full range of shoulder abduction[away from you],your dominent hand is....,
try to consult orthpedic physician along with proper physiotherapist,problems with muscules tendons should treated properly from the begining,from the begining,from the begining!
Re: Shoulder Problem
I do not have a hunch back nor a forward head posture, i weight lift as a hobby and during the day i do office work.
My pain is elicited when my arm is directly horizontal (aeroplane wing position) to the body during abduction and my dominant hand is the left, the injured one.
Any ideas?
Re: Shoulder Problem
Without evaluating in person I could not say, it may be a problem fascilitated by poor neck posture and Thoracic spine kyphosis. Evaluation is the most significant aspect required.
Re: Shoulder Problem
Yes,I agree with physiotheraist above evaluation is essential to give proper diagnosis to aid in a treatment
Any how,answers to the follwing items obtained by proper orthpedic or physiotherapist could help to clarify the diagnosis:
Evaluation for:
Articular pattern,
End Feel,
contractile resposnes,
Active Vs. passive movement,
stages of arthritis,
Re: Shoulder Problem
well gud to see the thread actually i work like for consistent hours over computer and have to concentrate throughout as a result when at evening i go back i have this pain in my neck and shoulder dont know what to do with it... ca anyone suggest me how to avoid this pain?
Re: Shoulder Problem
There is a new revolutionary posture device that is out on the market. It
uses resistance training to correct the posture, neck problems,
and back problems. Its simple, but works. Gets rid of the kinks
in your neck and straightens your posture. And you can use it
at your desk.:)