Pictures of positions for a neurosurgical ICU patient please?
Hello everyone, I'd like to ask a wee favour. I am an intensive care nurse, senior in my unit. There are many junior staff and I am trying to educate them about correct positioning of our (mainly) neurosurgical patients to prevent contractures, frozen shoulders, shoulder dislocation, footdrop etc, and to optimise their rehabilitation. Sometimes no matter how much instruction by myself or others, the juniors don't seem to use what we've taught. :( I'd like to print and laminate some very simple pictures of positions suitable for our patients and place these sheets at each desk to remind and inspire! Very simple stick figure pictures would suffice. I've asked our nursing manager and educator to chase this up with the physios at work but it always get moved down the priority list.
My question is, does anyone have a link to a website with suitable pictures I could download and print? I (and my patients) would be very appreciative of any information or help you could provide. Thanks very much. Tizzabelle :)
Re: Pictures of positions for a neurosurgical ICU patient please?
For neurological patinets may I can advise you to have a look one book
Steps by Steps,[sorry not familiar with its authors]
Re: Pictures of positions for a neurosurgical ICU patient please?
Hi ,
You may let them have a look on some of the follwoing fine itmes![Mainly for physcial therapy]!
•Pending test or lab results
•Need for a brace
•Clarification of order
•Blood transfusions
•Mental status
•Weaning from the vent
•Chest pain
•Change in vitals
•Plan for surgery, post-op
•Increase or decrease in body
•Difficulty breathing
SOAP Note or Narrative Form
Date and Time
Devices and Lines
Change in status/Tolerance
Rules of the Intensive Care Unit:
1. If you don’t understand something, ASK
2. Keep the family informed
3. ALWAYS talk to the Nurse
_ Talk early in the day to establish the patient’s schedule
_ What is happening with the patient?
_ Has the patient been OOB?
4. Be brave! ICU nurses can be intimidating
5. NEVER ignore an ICU nurse
6. Watch the patient’s vital signs
7. If something can go wrong, it will… prepare
8. Check the bed brakes before moving a patient
9. Walk around the bed to check for lines before moving a patient
10.ALWAYS know a patient’s code status
11.ALWAYS look at the patient when monitors go off
12. If concerned about a patient’s response,
STOP therapy, get the nurse
13.KNOW when a patient is UNSTABLE….
chest pain, brady/tachycardia,
unrelenting dyspnea/tachypnea,
diminished level of consciousness
Re: Pictures of positions for a neurosurgical ICU patient please?
Where you at physio bob?!
You are normally on the case pronto!
Incidentally I need this info as well. Have to contribute to some in service training in a few days on this and lifting techniques as well. Will be grateful if someone could assist.