Shoulder pain
Hi there,
For about 2 weeks now i have had this pain around my biceps brachii area on my left arm. It just came on one day when i was playing basketball, it is a sudden very sharp pain which comes on during external rotation of the shoulder while flexed to 90degrees. All movements are fine however if i start the movement in external rotation i can only get to 90degrees before the pain kicks in
Thanks for reading
Re: Shoulder pain
well gud to see the thread actually i work like for consistent hours over computer and have to concentrate throughout as a result when at evening i go back i have this pain in my neck and shoulder don't know what to do with it... ca anyone suggest me how to avoid this pain?
Re: Shoulder pain
Hi King. First I need to ask you, do you play basket ball regularly? Second, what was your action when you got the pain? Third, what treatment did you take for this in the past 2 weeks?
From what I can make out from your complain, it looks like a
rotator cuff injury.
Please get yourself examined by a physio in your locality.
Till then, try to avoid aggravating the pain.
Re: Shoulder pain
If you play basketball regularly, did you tell your coach because continuing to play with that shoulder might just prolong the problem.