in need of ARTHRITIC IMPACT MEASURE measuring scale for research purpose. willing minded contact [email protected],
[email protected].
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in need of ARTHRITIC IMPACT MEASURE measuring scale for research purpose. willing minded contact [email protected],
[email protected].
I found some info on the web for you: Br J Rheumatol 1989 Dec;28(6):487-91
Evaluation of the Dutch Arthritis Impact Measurement Scales (DUTCH-AIMS) in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
Taal E, Jacobs JW, Seydel ER, Wiegman O, Rasker JJ.
: J Rheumatol 1990 Apr;17(4):439-47 Related Articles, Books, LinkOut
Health status assessment in rheumatoid arthritis. I. Further work on the validity of the sickness impact profile.
Sullivan M, Ahlmen M, Bjelle A
Department of Medicine I/Health Care Research Unit, Gothenburg University, Sweden.
In a cross-sectional, longitudinal study, 99 women with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) completed a well established health status measure, the Sickness Impact Profile (SIP), for diagnosis specific evaluation. Using traditional and self-reporting data, we examined SIP relationships that described physical functioning. They related closely to clinical measures. Psychosocial functioning measured by SIP related specifically to mental health and arthritic pain. Importantly, the SIP was sensitive to 1-year pre and posttreatment changes showing both improvement and deterioration. When applied to patients with RA SIP categories could be more appropriately aggregated, e.g., Home management included in the Physical dimension and Communication omitted from the Psychosocial.