Low level laser/wound healing/amputees
2 physios working with amputees, experiencing delayed wound healing (with and without MRSA). Investigating use of LLLT to promote wound healing, doing a literature search... Anyone with experience in this particular field who would like to share their knowledge?
Low level laser/wound healing/amputees
here is a particular hospital in SYdney Australia called Lady Davison Hospital. It is located on Bobbin Head Road, North Turramurra, Sydney 2074 Australia. The physio dept there has been doing laser treatment for ulceration, delayed healing etc etc for years and years. I am sure they could be of assistance
cheers richard
re: Low level laser/wound healing/amputees
I have articles, User contacts and information on whats happening in the UK and possilble introduction to contacts in Australia. Email ([email protected]) or call Jessica on +44 (0)1293 550268.
Glad to assist if I can