will you tell me the exact diffrence btw lmn and umn facial palcy and
main diffrence for the rx
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will you tell me the exact diffrence btw lmn and umn facial palcy and
main diffrence for the rx
upper motor neuron facial palsy (supranuclear) is carchtrized by:
1-the paralysis is in the lower quarter of face opposite to the lesion.
2-paralysis involves voluntary movements but spares emotional and associative movements.
3-paralysis is associated with hypertonia and hyperreflexia
4-there is associated hemiplegia in the same side of paralysis
LMN facial palsy:
1-the paralysis involves upper and lower halves of the face in the same side of lesion
2-all movements are affected:voluntary,associative and emotinal
3-It is associated with hypotonia and hyporeflexia
4-If there is hemiplegia associated it will be in the opposite side