I have a patient who is 80 yrs old diabetic and had a history of fall.Later he got cemented bipolar hemiarthroplasty done a week ago.Can anyone here please tell wot shound be included in his PT management.Please advise asap.........
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I have a patient who is 80 yrs old diabetic and had a history of fall.Later he got cemented bipolar hemiarthroplasty done a week ago.Can anyone here please tell wot shound be included in his PT management.Please advise asap.........
u should start his quads isometrics on day 0 & ankle pump exercises..care shold b taken that a gap shold b maintained by keeping the baduction pillow..
day 1.. conitue the above exercises.. along with turnings on the opposite side.. keepin the abduction pillow in betwwen the legs..
day 2.. continue.. the above exercises.. along with gluteei press...