lumbar mobility / mm. scalenii / PNE
Hi zisuer,
how is the studying going?
scapular movements are usually assessed in sidelying but at a 10' station you might want to hurry to assess all the joints. I would prefer doing it in sidelying but I have seen neurophysios doing it in supine with one hand underneath the scapula doing elevation /depression/pro- and retraction. What did they teach you?
About the hip stuff. Yes, I did mean transfer over which side (affected or unaffected). Doesn't really matter which day post surgery but at the hospital patients usually get mobilized on day 1.
About your lumbar decrease in mobility. Sounds good what your doing. Do you know neurodynamcis. How is the SLR? If neural stable, you could try sliders by using DF / PF or via neck flexion / extension. The fracture 2months later should be cleared and stable. Did he get a control x-ray? This patient needs mobility in his lower back otherwise he/she will compensate at the segments above or below (developing hypermobility) and at the hips.
Scalene muscles are usually tight if the deep neck flexors are inhibited. To decrease tension you might want to use manual techniques and mobilize lateralflexion PPIVM of the cervical spine. Check his/her 1st rip. again, also test his neurodynamics. ULTTs. I am pretty sure you will find something. then start recruiting deep flexors.
Wouldn't do modalities on the neck anteriorly. n.vagus....
good luck.