Broken Tibia
I was just wondering if anyone could give me an idea of how long i'm likely to be out for.I Broke my tibia 4 weeks ago and had an overnight full leg plaster on for a week to deal with the swelling.
After that came off i had a new full cast on that comes off next week meaning 5 weeks and the doctor told me i'd have a half cast plaster on my return and i could start bearing weight on my leg.
I was given a sick note for 6 weeks so i told my work i'd only be out for 6 weeks but now i feel if i'm a walking cast i'll be out for even longer and lose my job.
Edit-It was a clean break and no surgery to the shin bone
Re: Broken Tibia
mine took over 12 weeks but they said it could take between 8 and 20 weeks...
Re: Broken Tibia
How old are you or we're you when it happened? I went back this week and had my cast sawed in half and told to start putting mild pressure on it for 4 weeks then when it comes off i should be working..I thought i'd need phisyo
Re: Broken Tibia
Hi all!
Thedon, what type of fracture did you have?
Re: Broken Tibia
I believe it was just called a simple fracture and nothing more,I am sightly working on it now i can't move that far because the cast unables me to balance but it doesn't hurt.So i hope thats good news
Re: Broken Tibia
You should expect about 2-3 months for recovery, that is being able to walk, step up and down stairs and do daily activities.
Re: Broken Tibia
Oh you'll think i'll be out longer then 4 weeks then:( I was praying i'd be able to go back to work.
I thought i'd have my half cast off and will be able to walk but with the aid of a crutch while my muscles build back up
Re: Broken Tibia
A period of 2-3 months since the time of injury will be needed in order for you to be able to walk by yourself WITHOUT crutches and do daily activities WITHOUT external help. Being able to walk WITH crutches bearing SOME weight is allowed after 4-6 weeks after time of fracture, which is what you are doing this period, but to bear full weight needs more time. That is what I was referring to; you need more time to feel completely healthy again. Going to work with crutches is possible and working is possible too. What I told you is being able to do daily activities on your own, without external help. You'll possibly need physiotherapy but it's your choice.
Re: Broken Tibia
Really depends on your work. If you are a data entry person you should be at work now. If you are a mailman then there's probably a strike around the corner so you get extra time off anyway (excuse the sarcasm).
What is your job?
Re: Broken Tibia
I work on the tills,I just want to be sightly be able to walk i know it'll take time to get me walking on both without pain.I thought that when i go back after 9 weeks my small cast would be off and maybe i'd be able to walk a little...Footballers get walking boots