Working in the south africa
Working over seas is always exciting.So is there any body in this great forum who cud tell what are the necessary requirements for foreign quilified physiotherapists to work in the south africa.What is scope of foreign quilified physiotherapists to work in that region.Please also mention the addresses of physiotherapy registeration boards&association of physiotherapists there,their email or web site addresses ,etc.Also it would helpful to great extent if you have the addresses of some good recruiting agencies of physiotherapists there.You may send your information if it is in detail to my personel email addresses.i.e. [email protected] & [email protected] I shall be highly obliged in this regard.thanks,sabah
re: Working in the south africa
it's not eassy! I am an english therapist and have inverstigated this in depth as I now live in SA. I qualified in 1988 so have a Diploma not a degree. In order to work here I would have to take 2 exams - one written and one practical, covering all aspects of physio eg. paediatrics, respiratory, neuro, pathology, anatomy etc. The best people to contact are the Professional Board for Physiotherapy, Podiatry & Biokinetics, Health Professions Council of South Africa, PO Box 205, Pretoria 0001. tel: +27 12 328 6680/20 They are very slow. Good luck!