re: clinical in Australia
Are you an Australian Student or an overseas student?
re: clinical in Australia
Unfortunatly the Uni of Sydney is unable to help you with a clinical. You may want to contact a private practice directly. The "internship" period is slightly different here, placements generally are short (5 weeks). I take it you are Dutch?
Good luck
Re: clinical in Australia
Hi there,
I'm a 2nd year physiotherapy student in New Zealand. I'm currently trying to see if it is possible to do my last year clinical placement (22weeks) in Australia in 2010, preferable Sydney, Melbourne or Brisbane. I'm not sure if I can do this with my education provider - Auckland University Technology, but I have heard of other students doing their placements overseas but they had to arrange it themselves. Is someone able to give me any input on where I can do my placement? I would preferrably like to work in a hospital so I can experience and learn more. Cheers