Clinical therapeutic applications of the kinesio taping method
hello there, i'm new in forum and i'd like a little help..i work as a physical therapist in a basketball team in Greece and i use quite often this method..i was looking for this book on internet , i found it on amazon but amazon doesn't ship it to Greece:mad:..i would be very grateful if someone could sent me in in pdf format.thanx!!;)
Re: Clinical therapeutic applications of the kinesio taping method
dear gbillzero,
I know that the MTC concept, is more or less equal to the Kinesio concept.
You can order a book and DVD about the concept.
go to TapeConcept
They are from Cyprus, so shipping to Greece shouldn´t be too difficult.
I suspect that if you go to the Kinesio Taping | Tex Tape | Most Recommended Therapeutic Taping For Stability | Comfort site, you will find a connection to international groups.
You can look at both possibilities and chose which book you want.