Scottish Forum
Hi - I am Margaret Revie the new Regional officer for Scotland for the OCPPP ( Organisation of Chartered Physiotherapists in Private Practise). I asked physiobase to set up the link between their web site and mine to help the Scottish members to keep in touch with each other and to give me an easy way of contacting our members without the cost of snail mail. I am hoping to encourage the Scottish physios to be interested in communicating with each other and to attend course and seminars which will be organised in the future. If you wish to know more about the OCPPP or are interested in talking to me about it please feel free to e-mail. I hope this forum will be well used and I look forward to being able to be in regular contact with the Scottish members.
re: Scottish Forum
Hi Margaret, Iam a physio currently working in the NHS full-time but contemplating a move into private practise. I am currently trying to pull together the information on setting up a practise and wondered if the ocppp could help with advice at present or would I need to join in order to gain information?
re: Scottish Forum
hi Margaret,I am an Indian Physio with pg in sports p.t. I wish an intership in scotland Can u help. My phone 091-11-5532247
re: Scottish Forum
Aussie physio with 16 years experience in private practice - manual, spinal, exercise and sports - previous principal 13 years. Wife fabulous cellist with opportunity to join Scottish Chamber Orchestra. 3 kids!!! Interested in contacting physios in Edinburgh re: employment ,etc - email [email protected]
re: Scottish Forum
hiiiiiii margaret;
i am sushant, i have graduated as a physio in 2002. i have currently about 14months work experience.
i have applied for my masters at two universities
1-university of strathclyde(msc in sports and exercise science) and queen margaret university college(msc physiotherapy).
could you help me know which one of these universities are better known(famous fo rphysiotherapy in scotland).
and what about the job prospects after completion of the course???
could you please help me...
i would be waiting for your mail.
my mail address is sushantjk@yahoo/hotmail.com
reply soon