bone oedema
Hi there,
does anyone have any article about treatment on bone oedema?
i have one patient, soccer player, who has bone oedema on the femur... and we tryed all crio/thermal therapy and it doesnt heal...
i have many articles i can repass in the area if someone there's interest :)
Re: bone oedema
Hi Lucas,
My understanding is that bone oedema or bone bruising has a similar treatment to a stress fracture, rest!
In which case there's not a whole lot you can do although some people advocate ultrasound for assisting fracture healing so it may assist in this case also.
Also how did the oedema come about? Trauma, overuse?
Anyway hope it settles soon
Re: bone oedema
im doing US (event thinking it doesnt get there), contrast - (20min each - hot/cold/hot/cold) about 3weeks and nothing :/
thx mate