Can anybody help please? I would like to know the difference between modified ashworth scale and modified modified ashworth scale. I need the measurement scale.
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Can anybody help please? I would like to know the difference between modified ashworth scale and modified modified ashworth scale. I need the measurement scale.
try here:
Searchable database - Outcome measures - Clinical resources - evidence and knowledge - Practice - Members - The CSP
This gives you information on both scales.
Wade DT (1992) Measurement in Neurological Rehabilitation. Oxford University Press ISBN 0-19-261954-3
Hill, K. Denisenko, S., Miller, K., & Clements, T. (2005). Clinical Outcome Measurement in Adult Neurological Physiotherapy (3rd ed.). Australian Physiotherapy Association, National Neurology group.
The modified Ashworth scale
0. No increase in muscle tone
1. Slight increase in tone with a catch and
release or minimal resistance at end of
2. As 2 but with minimal resistance
through range following catch
3. More marked increase tone through
4. Considerable increase in tone, passive
movement difficult.
5. Affected part rigid
Fyzio has given some great refs for the two versions of the Ashworth Scale. As far as I know there is no such thing as the Modified Modified Ashworth Scale. - but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
There are some fundamental validity problems with the Ashworth scales. the most important is that they fail to distinguish spasticity from other forms of increased tone at each level of the test.
For a measure of spasticity the Tardieu scale is superior as it really does measure spasticity - ie velocity-dependent resistance to movement:
The Tardieu Scale differentiates contracture from spasticity whereas the Ashworth Scale is confounded by it -- Patrick and Ada 20 (2): 173 -- Clinical Rehabilitation
Here is the scoring instructions:
Well don't know more but i have head about it that there are some fundamental validity problems with the ashworth facing some big problem as i know..