Groin / Pelvis Injury
I am 29 years old and have recently been suffering from a strange pain in my groin thigh area. I play football and the injury started about three months ago during a training session, I have not played since. The pain is not evident when walking at all but when I try to run faster than a certain pace or particularly when kicking a ball it is most noticeable. I can also recreate the pain by pushing my knees towards each other (which often results in a clicking sound with helps lessen the symptoms temporarily). The pain seems to radiate above my groin and radiate down my inner thing, deep in the muscles. It is sharpest at the groin area though.I have seen two different physio's and a doctor and neither seems to be able to diagnose what it is. I show many of the signs of Ostetis Pubis but do not have inflammation of the Pubic Symphysis. I also do not have any signs of having a hernia. I am absoulety desperate for someone to tell me what it is and what I should do to correct it, can anyone help me? I would be very grateful for any suggestions / advice?....