Re: On going knee problems
You might find you need to sort out your bike setup a little. It took me a lot of tweaking to minimise my knee pain. I ended up putting some orthotics in my MTB shoes as well as I noticed on my weaker site I was excessively rotating my leg inwards during the push down on the crank. That was causing a torsion in my knee and then result was FAB.
It could also be an issue arising from the back that is causing a dysfunction in your gluteals and there the knee is a secondary problem. The popint here it to get your physio to check the mobility in your low back. The ITB is just a fascial component from the glutes and TFL so stretching/releasing them might be useful.
Are you using SPD's/clips or are you more of a downhiller?
Re: On going knee problems
Thanks for the reply.
I just use flat pedals. Had the bike setup properly about 8 months ago.
I get the problem from other activities too so hopefully the bike is ok now. To be honest, its better than when I try to do running. My problem is that I live in NZ Wellington, where the tracks are either flat (boring) or very steep. Doesn't give my legs much chance to warm up.
I guess its not going to magically get better, but wonder if its normal to continue training with a bit of discomfort while the glutes on the left side go back to normal. It's not very painful, just an annoying dull ache that's mainly there when I have finished doing the activity i.e. the next day.
Re: On going knee problems
OK, that rules out a few things. Maybe it is a strength thing and also perhaps lumbar spine related. Can you try going to a few spin classes a week. That will really help getting a good position for climbing the steeps. Best of luck
Re: On going knee problems
It is important that you need to take proper medication if there is such a problem with our knees like it is important for you if you better go with some exercises that are necessary for your knees otherwise it will become a big problem for you.
I do have on going knee problems that are really painful and it really puts me down so many times, so, I do some stretching and I got relaxed.
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