Some advice for ISCP-recognition
Dear colleagues,
im a german physiotherapist with 2 years working experience
in an orthopedic/neurologic practice.
i made my graduation with an overall of 2 (equal to "good" or "B")
i have/had two big goals in my life:
1)becoming a physiotherapist - done
2)working in ireland -- got to do
so i need to pass the iscp-recognition,
but i dont want to rush things and make sure i do my best...fair enough!
i got some questions:
1) how big is PNF in ireland?
i made my advanced training under supervision of L. Ozarcuk
(a former pupil of magie knott in vallejo) with pretty good marks.
i also plan most of my trainings under PNF-aspects.
how much will this help?
2) i got continued education in manual lymphatic drainage.
is it a comon therapy in IRL?i know e.g that its almost not used in
the US.
3) i work in the eu-project "Osteoarthritis Communicator"
and got a training in avoiding downfalls of geriatric patients.
any chance this is usefull?
4) Would it be usefull to make an Manual Therapy skill enhancement
before starting the recognition?
when yes,wich are the most common therapy concepts?
(e.g. maitland,cyrax etc...)
do you think i should gain more experience or is it already worth a try?
for any further advice i would be realy thankfull!
best regards
Re: Some advice for ISCP-recognition
thats dificult to tell.
the best it is to send all your certificates, translated and certified to the ISCP when you apply. Being from the European union they normally send you 6 weeks of training in a irish hospital in cardiorespiratory care, 6 weeks in neurology and other 6 in muskuloskeletal (nowadays you can do also an exam in every part). By my own experience they only took into account my course transcript and my work experience in Ireland, not the one abroad. But I think you have a very good cv, a lot of academic certificates and participation in researchs!
As they say in their website, getting recognition is that your level is the same than an irish graduate. So i dont think you should do any course refresher (unless is in Ireland...). honestly I think that the job situation is so bad at the moment that they make it a bit difficult for foreigners. I've heard of a senior physio in the public sector who applied for ISCP membership and He was told to do a period of adaptation in the area in which He wasnt a senior, after 10 years working in Ireland!
Did you have a look to the application form yet? Do it to have an idea at what they are asking for.
My advice is just send all documents and wish for the best. if you can do any work placement or refresher course in Ireland do it, as they value more the irish standards (this is only my own experience).
Also, if you have more than 3 years exp, your chances to find a job in private practice are good. the public sector is nearly impossible, there are 2 panels of physiotherapists waiting for vacancies and the panel closed in December 09.
Good luck Angrybeaver, and patient with the paperwork!!!
Re: Some advice for ISCP-recognition
anyway i dont try to discourage you o try it, with your exp you probably wont need any MK training but have a look to cardio courses as they send most of applicants to do this exam only. look at this tread:
Re: Some advice for ISCP-recognition
hey romulo,
thank you for your answer!
sad to hear that the job-situation isnt good at the moment.
why is cardio such a big deal for the iscp?
in my schooling i hat a 8 weeks internship in a internal-medicine-rehab and in a hospital arround 10 weeks with much ICU-work.
hopefully this will be enough:o
anyways,i think i will get all my stuff together and just try
to get the recognition within the next few months!
Re: Some advice for ISCP-recognition
Dear Physios, I am desperately looking for an adaptation in Ireland. Can anyone direct a clinic, please. Trying for 13 months and no results.Please help