Luxation of the shoulder joint.
Usually when one talks about shoulder luxation, one talks about posterior or anterior luxation. I have a patient who was thrown onto the beach by a huge wave during surfing. He landed on his shoulder, and the joint luxated. Is it possible to have a sort of caudal luxation, or are all luxations either anterior or posterior? In case of an eventual caudal luxation, does anybody know what structures are being stretched or injured in such a situation? Any suggestions on exercise programmes to increase shoulder stability in a case like this?
re: Luxation of the shoulder joint.
Coincidentally, I have a young fellow with significant axonal injury who clinically appears to have a superiorally displaced HOH, impacting UPWARDS. Not seen it before. Increased tone is complicating matters. The MOs are out at present on the reading of the Xrays. Will let you know if I come across any briliant ideas.
re: Luxation of the shoulder joint.
this is typical if he fell in abduction and had a distal force applied to the elbow. this stretches the ? medical fibres of the inferior scapulohumeral ligament/capsule. You see the alot in baseball pitchers and tennis players mainly from the wind up to pitch or serve. For them it is often a lack of thoracic extension or the use of it in the movement action. Jenny McConnell and Craig Allingham (in Australai) do a great workshop on this type of injury
re: Luxation of the shoulder joint.
therapy for the luxationof the shoulder joint ? hmmm... try Vojta principle it is excellent but very difficult