Is this dent a torn calf ???
it happended about 2 months ago and at the time was rally sore and i couldnt walk on it, i massaged it and kept on it and its alot better now but I still feel like there is a hole in the calf musce about the size of a marble and theres a small dent in the muscle
its probably a bit late now to do anything about it, but what do you recommend i do ?
can i get confirmation eg from Ultrasound ?
I prob wont get this on the NHS so anyone know any cheap ish places to it in london ?
or any advice
thanks alot
Re: Is this dent a torn calf ???
Probably is a tear. Try Vista Diagnostics for a cheap deal
Re: Is this dent a torn calf ???
thanks buddy im going to go along to bupa today hopefully and throw some money at them
btw you dont accept appointments do you ?
you runa decent forum etc and id rather give my money to you if your interested ?