hello, i need articles on effects of Mill's manipulation on lateral epicondylitis.do send me anydetails u have on Mill's maipulation in thistennis elbow.thank you. vinod.
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hello, i need articles on effects of Mill's manipulation on lateral epicondylitis.do send me anydetails u have on Mill's maipulation in thistennis elbow.thank you. vinod.
Yo - Just read one a few seconds ago. Cyriax Physiotherapy versus phonophoresis with supervised exercise in subjects with lateral epicondylalgia: A randomized clinical trial.
Journal of Manual and Manipulative Therapy Vol 17 Number 3
A Nagrale, C Herd, S Ganvir, G Ramteke
Hey Pudding Bowl
How is it going? Haven't heard from you in a while ;-) How did the Manip go in that study?
Vinod here is a couple more articles that might be worth checking out. I can't promise you they both used Mills Manip as I accessed them from a review and the review was a bit vague in describing the interventions. However you could have a look the abstracts:
Burton AK. A comparative trial of forearm strap and topicalanti-inflammatory as adjuncts to manipulative therapy in
tennis elbow. Man Med. 1988;3:141–3.
Verhaar JAN, Walenkamp GHLM, vanMameren H, Kester ADM, vand der Linden AJ. Local corticosteroid injection versus Cyriax-type physiotherapy for tennis elbow. J Bone Joint Surg [Br]. 1995;77:128–32.
I got them from a review I have:
D. Trudel, J. Duley, I. Zastrow, E.W. Kerr, R. Davidson and J.C. MacDermaid, Rehabilitation for patients with lateral epicondylitis: a systematic review, J Hand Ther 17 (2004), pp. 243–266
the review gave cautious thumbs up to mobilisation and manipulation.