S1 nerve root compression
Hi Friends,
I would like to get your ideas on a patient of mine whom I saw today.
He played golf on a weekend and then presented with symptoms of an S1 nerve root compression with numbness on the S1 area with a decreased ankle jerk. I am giving him grade II/III PA on L5, which I am not sure would help him or not. However, when I give him these mobs he presents with a tingling sensation in his non-symptomatic limb.
I am not sure where I would go from here with him. Can anyone give me some ideas?
S1 nerve root compression
Thanks everybody for the replies.
I have tried traction on a traction unit on this guy as well as tib-fib mobs along with deep tissue release on the peroneals. But unfortunately, he is still the same and I am not sure what can I do further for him.
He is waiting for an
MRI scan for the problem.
As I mentined earlier his only problem is the numbness in his foot rather than pain.