Cramp preventing exercise
Hi, I was hoping for some advice regarding a problem I am experiencing at the moment. I am trying to increase my exercise tolerance up to to the level where I could take part in half marathons or charity events, but I am continually hindered by cramp in my calves. After a gentle warm up I undergo extensive stretching of both gastroc and soleus, (which I am doing correctly) but this doesn't seem to prevent the onset of cramp. My exercise regime started at low distances which I increased gradually, yet the onset of cramp begins at the same distance of 800m. Even after a cool down and more stretches the cramp remains for the day, although reduces significantly.
Is this more likely diet related? Any advice on how to proceed with muscle conditioning?
Many Thanks
Re: Cramp preventing exercise
I am a newbie here and an athlete too, when I feel cramps I simply slows down because I think it is the best way to come out from such painful stretching, else I always do some exercises at home and put my legs in hot water to relax all the muscles.
This really helps me allot, try this out once.
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Re: Cramp preventing exercise
There are some exercises involves in muscle conditioning like Press ups, Shoulder Press ups, Handstand press ups, One-arm handstand hold and lot of that will help our muscles to get relaxed and conditions well.
I think you can go through these exercises accordingly to your problem and can get benefited, it is better if you concern a doctor and a good fitness trainer for this.
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Re: Cramp preventing exercise
Hi Greevesd
This could be due to your diet. If you have a diet lacking in potassium this may very well contribute/cause the calf cramps you are suffering from. Source's of potassium are found in white meat, root vegetables, fruits (especially banana's) & diary products just to name a few.
Also are you consuming enough water before, during & after your physical activity? You should also try consume a sports drink before & after your running, this will help maintain your electrolyte balance. Several brands make specific drinks for pre & post event hydration. For events of endurance nature it is recommended that athlete's alternate between sports drinks & water.
Hope this helps
Re: Cramp preventing exercise
I think you have to look at your diet. If you are unsure about your salt intake, go to a sport dietician. You won't be sorry-I know from experience. I participated in numerous triathlons and had cramps all over the place.:(
Are you taking supplements like creatine? If so, you may have to increase your water intake or stop it all together.
Are you stretching properly and enough?
Are you calves strong? If not, you need to exercise them in gym.
How are you building up to your runs? Are you timing your meals and fluids properly?
Hope those pesty cramps stop and that you get to that marathon level without further problems.
Happy training
Re: Cramp preventing exercise
cramps are actually caused by central sensitisation of the nervous system. this means that there is a problem at the nerve root and this increases the sensitivity of the nerve to stimulus such as pressure stretch or summation. this means that a normal normal contration, stretch or pressure on the muscle will elicit a cramp.
i would check your thoracolumbar joints starting at T10 worki9ng your way down to L5 you will find joints that are stiff and painful that you didn;t know about mobilise them and your cramps will disappear.
Re: Cramp preventing exercise
Agreed Mulberry...but some other considerations...
1. 800m is actually not that 5km/hr, it would be 10mins - if you were running at 10km/hr it would be 5 mins... sounds like the time frame for shin splints to me...vessel or nerve entrapment? Also, it always occurs at 800m...
2. Could be vessel disease but at 22y.o. it is unlikely but still a remote possibility - the vessel entrapment is more likely
3. referred pain from spine - perhaps but having it always start at 800m is the key piece of limited information i think...not likely to be MSK...
4. Why i don't think it is diet...5-10mins is not long enough to get tired and sweat out your electrolytes. We have so much salt in our western diet, it is not funny...
5. A reason that is not particularly scientific but relevant i think is that i am quite unfit at the moment - overweight and poor diet - but i am able to play an hour's worth of squash without cramping...even when i am tired and have been working for 10 hours beforehand...5 mins of running - even i could do 4km of the City2Surf without stopping, no training and having had an operation 4 days earlier...
6. Could be a nerve entrapped somewhere - L/S, hip, posterior knee...but why would it only come on after 800m?
I that is it off the top of my head at the moment - the story screamed "shin splints" when i read it.
Therefore, i would send you for compartment testing of your lower go and see a good sports physician who specialises in shin spints and go from there...
Re: Cramp preventing exercise
hello cramp pains a lot.Provide me some exercise which can relief it
Additional Comment I forgot:
hello cramp is severe injury and pains a lot.
Re: Cramp preventing exercise
Hi. Sorry for your pain. Need more info. Start new thread?
Re: Cramp preventing exercise
Hi!i think about cramp like pain for relieving by doing stretch exercises of gastroc and soleus muscles.
Re: Cramp preventing exercise
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Re: Cramp preventing exercise
Regular check up with your Physiotherapist and exercise is the only things that can help.
R Fibre: Cramp preventing exercise
Try a high quality chelated Magnesium. If you know a naturopath seek a Practitioner only quality supplement like Ultramuscle ease (Bioceuticals) or Fibroplex (Metagenics) or contact the company direct for as a physio you can order once setting up an account.
90% likely to work and if it does, 100% likely to transform your practice. As a Physiotherapist and Nutritionist I am confident once you learn about Magnesium and other nutrients as addendums to your physio. you will change your practice.
PS Tragically, very little research for magnesium with the exception of tetany and fibromyalgia so I can't please the EBM connosseurs here.
Re: Cramp preventing exercise
At the time of cramping, just massage over the area (usually calf) and do gentle stretching manually (opposite to the direction of cramp pain). It will releive you quickly. Then do alternative plantar and dorsiflexions which will give you further relaxation.
Inorderto prevent this problem again, you have to add more calcium and magnesium in your diet.