Anyone know of a SI joint specialist in the Calgary area?
Hi everyone
I think I have SIJD but I'm not 100 sure. My x rays show an uneven pelvis, I can also feel the rigtht leg is a little longer when I walk. The pain I experience
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LMAO. I can't post my message cause theres too many images or something. I don't know....
Hi everyone:)I think I have SIJD but I'm not 100% sure. My x-rays show an uneven pelvis, I can also feel the rigtht leg is a little longer when I walk. The pain I experience correlates with SIJD as well. I have left knee pains and right butt pains along pelvis. I had an MRI and x-ray done.My MRI report says DDD for lumbar and annular tears are present from L2-S1, The worst one being L5-S1.I'm currently seeing a KMI message therapist, not cheap at 158 bucks a session for 90 minutes... Oh well I'm trying to get my muscles balanced.Can someone recommend a really good SI joint therapist in the Calgary area? I really need to get my pelvis balanced and stop the degeneration.I wonder if the SIJD caused the buldging disks and degeneration or if the degeneration caused the SIJD thank you very much for your imput
Additional Comment I forgot:
I would have put spaces in that message but it counted the spaces as images or something wierd... Computers eh!