Any recommendations for a useful item of equipment for neuro patients? We have the basics -Bobath plinth, tilt table, Flexistand, gym balls and access to exercise bike and treadmill. What should we be aiming for next - cost possibly around £500?
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Any recommendations for a useful item of equipment for neuro patients? We have the basics -Bobath plinth, tilt table, Flexistand, gym balls and access to exercise bike and treadmill. What should we be aiming for next - cost possibly around £500?
Perhaps an EMG or Muscle simulator for more high level patients without large cognitive deficits? Also a set of stairs is useful as is a muscle stimulator that works off a pressure device in the shoe whiklst being conencted to the Tib Anterior. This can be used instead of a rigid AFO in early gait to prevent unnecessary associated movements yet allow earlier walking. Pity you don't have more cash!