Maitland Symbols/Characters
Hi Guys.
Ive been browsing and have still after hours of looking!! but unfortunately i still cants find a book/link/google page with the symbols and characters that are used in clinical notes as a shorthand guide as such. Can anyone please help me... hope you understand my request.
Re: Maitland Symbols/Characters
there are two recent publications - pocket size physio reference books - both inlcude a section on these symbols.
The Physiotherapist's Pocketbook - Elsevier
the rival book is the physiotherapy dictionary.
These pocket books area great idea and include much more great quick reference material. Sometimes the quality of the descriptions or diagrams could be better but still a good buy
Otherwise why don't you look up any of maitland's books on manipulation or Gregory Grieves books.
Re: Maitland Symbols/Characters
Thanks i have the 2004 version of the pocket physiotherapy guide but unfortunately they didnt add the symbols until the latest version. Just want it as reference as im setting up a practise and just need to refresh my memory.. Can never seem to remember.:P Just need to know for clinical notes and input.
Thanks for your help