eagles syndrome
ever heard of eagles syndrome
well what i can tell is that eagles syndrome is the chronic calcification of the stylohyoid muscle. the chronic hypertonic state of the stylohyoid muscle causes calcification to occur in the tendon. there is chronic inflammation about the styloid process and can cause centralisation of the facial nerve. symptoms can be very similar to TMJ and may even contribute to this comdition.
has anyone had experience with this condition could you please forward your ideas thanks
Re: eagles syndrome
Eagle syndrome is characterized by recurrent pain in the oropharynx and face due to an elongated styloid process or calcified stylohyoid ligament. The styloid process is a slender outgrowth at the base of the temporal bone, immediately posterior to the mastoid apex.
Re: eagles syndrome
Eagle syndrome is medically known as the elongation of the styloid process and stylohyoid ligament calcification. Eagle syndrome may experience a wide range of symptoms, including pain in both the throat and the ear, vertigo, voice alteration, cough, dizziness, sinusitis or bloodshot eyes.