The Model of Physiotherapy department
Dear colleagues,
I have been asked on an assignment to present the model of a physiotherapy deparment, a physiotherapy clinic and a physiotherapy centre.
The things to discuss are minimum and maximum area space required to set for all the three above.
The ideal model division theme to divide the required area into the consultation room, treatment rooms or cabins or the no of min and max cabins in the treatment room area.
The minimum and maximum no of staff like physios or physio assisstant. the physio head.
The min and max electrotherapy equipment required for all the three above.
The min and max # of exercise therapy equipment including the details of equipment.
The arrangement and suitability of hydrotherapy department and equipment.
The ideal out patient and in door patient examining, assessment and treatment slips and forms, and what things shd be discussed in the forms.
The furniture details and any other accessories.
Plz give your suggestion abt all the things discussed above with reference to three model discussed above i.e. Physiotherapy Department, Physiotherapy Clinic, Physiotherapy Centre.
Tell us what is your ideal model.
I'm waiting for the dicussion and suggestion from all of you in this regard.
Anxiously, for all of you to discuss on this matter.
With regards,