Fractured Rib?
6 weeks ago i was playing for my football team, for the next few days my rib cage (above chest) was really hurting. However, the next week i went to play again, i didn't feel much in the game but afterwards i was in alot of pain. For the next week at least it was very painful especially when i twisted, sneezed, coughed, shouted etc. I did some reading on the internet and i diagnosed it as a fractured rib and the best thing was to rest for 6 weeks.
I rested it for about 3 weeks and felt alot better so i went back to play. However, at the end the pain came back and it felt like i was at square one again. It's now been been 6 weeks since the original injury but only 3 weeks since i last played, the pain has mainly gone i.e. can't feel it when i sneeze etc. However, i feel a tightness when i inhale in and when i make sudden moves (like getting up in the morning)
I really want to get back in to playing football (as the season comes to an end) so should i do this? As the main pain has gone away is the tightness that i am feeling just psychological? Or should i continue to rest it until i feel absolutely nothing?
Also should i visit a physio and can they help because i was told there is not much they can do, it's just a matter of resting it and letting it heal??
Your advice will be much appreciated. Thank you
Re: Fractured Rib?
What made you think this was a fracture? Was there a direct trauma? A thoracic spine segment and surrounding structures can easily refer the feeling of a cracked rib. I'd suggest getting someone to take a look and take a full history.
Also a pneumothorax (air in the chest cavity) also can mimic these symptoms. This is quite common in people who play wind instruments e.g. sax.
Re: Fractured Rib?
Hi Physiobob
During the game 6 weeks ago i think someone elbowed me in the chest; i didn't feel the pain immediately but a few minutes later i used my chest to stop and control the ball (which was coming towards me quite powerfully); the pain then kicked in. From reading the different symptons, checking it out on the internet and speaking to some friends i made the diagnosis it was a fracture.
I've been told that a physio may not be able to help alot because resting is the best healer. Can a physio help? Any other advice?
Re: Fractured Rib?
If it is a fracture then they are right. Rest is indicated. Binding the ribs with a supportive bandage helps in acute pain with breathing.
I find a simple rehab tool for a fractured rib is to blow up balloons. Go by a packet and get those lungs working against that rib cage.
Please note that a fractured rib can and often does load to a pneumothorax. If this is a possibility then see your GP and possibly get a pain chest x-ray.
Re: Fractured Rib?
Thanks physiobob for your advice
It's been about 3-4 weeks since i last played football but 6 weeks since the original injury, i can still feel a bit of pain when i tense my chest - do you think i can start playing football again or even running etc? I'm worried that if i do run or play that it will go back to square one thus the need for me to rest it another 6 weeks. What would you advice? Thanks
Re: Fractured Rib?
I burst some ribs about a year ago and they wouldn't heal. I had a little metal bowl put on the aching ones and I can in fact action again. little u shaped plate. I didn't perceived there was such affair before std clinic, but it's been a activity saver accepting aback to sports.
Re: Fractured Rib?
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Re: Fractured Rib?
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