Re: Update on my bad back!
This is my first post, my only qualification is a lifetime of pain. Yes look into the Egoscue method. The system is good, the politics around the people is bad. Look into prolotherapy, which causes scaring, which I do not think is good. I went for using sheets of plastic as my toilet, and eating my food like a dog to being a full time pain free construction worker using the exercises of the egoscue method. Basically educate yourself, I have strong opinions, but I lived it, so I know what is voodoo and what works
Re: Update on my bad back!
Alexander Technique! I have tried just about every therapy under the sun, with limited success...
...but the one thing that has definitely helped me is the Alexander Technique - it has completely changed how I stand, walk, sit move - to make sure I put as little strain as possible on my spine and pelvis. Its not a quick fix, its not a 'cure' for back pain and it requires you to put the work in to undo bad postural habits - but if you are looking for something that YOU can do for yourself to improve your quality of life, Alexander Technique is the one to go for :-)
Oh and another benefit of AT is that it improves your riding position - I have a horse and I know she has benefitted hugely from my AT lessons because I am more balanced and not as stiff when I ride!
More information on AT and instructors at:
The Definitive Guide to The Alexander Technique provided by STAT - The Society of Teachers of The Alexander Technique
Just let me know if you want any more information - I'm keen to spread the word about AT because it has helped me so much!